No matter the skin condition you're dealing with, there are a bewildering number of products on the market that promise relief and results. However, the investment in some of these products can be sizable, and the instructions can be confusing. Making the best choice for your needs will be easier with a professional consultation.

Questions to Be Considered
Your age, skin type, skin color, and sun exposure can all impact the health of your skin and the risks you are currently dealing with. The products that were once effective may no longer work as effectively, or your new location may be exposing your skin to other challenges.
Your product regimen choice should be based on the expert advice of a professional.
Aggressive or Mild?
A glycolic peel will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but it does it by breaking up the top layer of skin so it can slough off. This can lead to redness and may cause peeling or flaking if you use an aggressive product. Your tolerance for a bit of discomfort for a bigger payoff is worth considering before you start your treatment regimen.
Cleansing vs. Resurfacing
It's also a good idea to take a look at your ultimate goals. Are you simply looking for a cleanser and toner that will brighten your skin, or are you interested in freshening your dermis at the cellular level? Both are valid treatments, but the path to both of those goals is very different. It will take vastly different products and may require multiple steps to properly resurface your skin, whether you choose to do it with a scrub or a chemical peel.
Sunscreen Considerations
Regular use of sunscreen is extremely important. Your conversation with a nurse aesthetician is an ideal time to consider your comfort level with certain products. For example, do you prefer a facial powder with sunscreen to finish off your make-up or a sheer coat of sunscreen as a base?
A conversation with a nurse aesthetician with professional knowledge of the ZO Skin Health product line can help you make the best choices for your daily skincare regimen. From acne to wrinkles and from scars to sagging skin, the ZO line offers many therapeutic benefits. However, getting products that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine is critical to effective and habitual use over time.
Schedule Your Complimentary Skin Evaluation
Contact us today to set up a 15-minute complimentary skin evaluation with our nurse. She will address all of your concerns about your skincare regimen and take the time to help you develop a plan of action for utilizing at-home ZO Skin Health products and recommend any office procedures that may benefit you.
Request Your Appointment
Integrative Aesthetics of Thomasville makes it convenient to plan your next visit. Click the link to request an appointment time that best fits your busy schedule. We can't wait to see you!